Many students are getting ready to start university in September. Often pupils will be going to a university away from home and it may be the first time the person has lived away from the family home. This can be a very exciting but also scary time for many individuals. Getting ready for university is often quite different from getting ready to go to school. You may not have anyone around that is going to be ensuring you get up on time and attend your lectures when you are supposed to. At uni you have a lot of freedom to do what you want to do but should you not be attending when you are supposed to you run the risk of being thrown off the course.
If you are staying in halls then you may be able to move in a week or so before your course starts. This is often called fresher’s week. It is a great way to let your hair down and familiarise yourself with your surroundings before you start, just be sure not to spend all your allowance in one week!
Ideally take a few trips up to the area you will be living in and explore what is around. Get to know the places and where things such as taxi ranks are, hospitals and local doctors. This will all help you settle in to university life when you arrive.